

Sirikata provides the basic services and functionality needed by virtual world applications. Applications tie these services together and build on top of them to provide a unique experience to end users.

Sirikata breaks an entire virtual world system -- including the components executed by end users -- into three high level services: the object hosts, the space, and the content distribution network. These services loosely correspond to computation, communication, and storage, respectively.

To deploy a virtual world application, the application developer will provide a single space service (possibly distributed across many servers) which is, in some sense, the "world." Depending on the application, the provider might also run object hosts, which connect to the space and run objects provided by the world (the scenery and bots in a game, for example), and a CDN to handle storage of large, static data, such as geometry, textures, and prerecorded audio. As described later, clients connect to the world by running an object host locally which, at a minimum, simulates their avatar or camera object.

This high level description leaves out a lot of detail, but gives an idea of what is involved in building and deploying a virtual world using Sirikata. Note that this configuration isn't the only one possible -- for instance, a CDN might not be provided and all resources might either be directly deivered, as in a procedurally defined world, or the provider might not provide a CDN, relying on users to find hosting, for example via web hosting. In this manual we hope to describe the most common deployment, making note of alternatives where appropriate.

With this high level context, the following describes each of these components in a bit more detail, but focuses on each of their external interfaces. For details on the internal architectures of these components, including ways in which they can be customized and extended, see their corresponding architecture pages:


In some sense, the space is the actual world: it enables all interaction between objects, it is the medium by which objects learn about each other and communicate. From the perspective of objects connected to the space, it provides three services: presence (also known as space membership, session management, authentication), physical simulation, and interobject communication.

Authentication and Presence

Spaces enable objects to communicate and enforce the constraints of the virtual world. First, when an object wants to enter the world, the space acts as the guardian, deciding whether or not an object should be able to enter. The policy for allowing entrance is left up to the application developer. In existing systems this step usually only applies to clients connecting to the world -- most systems conflate the simulation of individual objects with the simulation of the world, and lack flexible policies on object admission, aside from user accounts. One common example of this step in traditional systems is admission control for load balancing purposes -- a world may only allow a few hundred players to connect to a given space or region of the world at a time to control load.

Once an object has been granted access to the world, it must provide the space with all the necessary information for the world to simulate it (note that this might actually occur as part of the admission process to enable full consistency and representation as soon as admission is granted). Certain properties of the object are actually controlled or owned by the space itself -- for instance the object's position, orientation, and mesh -- so that the space can make sure the world is simulated consistently. We defer further discussion of this issue to Authoritative State. However, application level state is maintained in the object itself, so the space maintains (and needs to know about) relatively little state for each connected object.


Once all the necessary proprties of an object are available to the space, the only barrier to objects communicating with each other is discovery: the space provides a query mechanism which allows objects to discover other relevant objects in the space. Objects register a query (its not necessary to understand the form, a common example from existing systems would be "objects within 100m"), and the space provides continuous updates, providing each object with a list of other objects that are currently relevant to it.

Communication & Messaging

Finally, with references to these other objects in hand, a connected object may communicate with them via messages. The lowest level communication between objects is unreliable unordered messages, but Sirikata also provides higher level transport abstractions to make writing object scripts simpler.

Extensions - Other Services

The above services are the minimum shared services required to run a virtual world. Note the lack of any discussion of physics simulation, inventory services, VOIP, or any other complicated services commonly available in today's virtual worlds. These are higher level services which are not common to all applications and sometimes do not make sense in some applications.

For more internal details of the space and how to extend it, see the Space Architecture.

Object Host

The object host handles simulation of objects and provides utilities for them to interact with the space, other objects, and the CDN. It is where object scripts (or behaviors) are loaded and run.

The object host has 3 main duties:

In some sense, the choice of scripting language is just an extension of the first and third duties. Because we define a network protocol which the components use to communicate, the choice of scripting language is not fixed -- as long as the language can encode our messages (or connect to our library which can encode the core set of messages), it can work with the rest of the system. Scripts written in a convenient scripting language such as Python, Lua, or Ruby are just one way to extend objects. The object host may also provide other extensions (implemented as plugins) which provide other fixed functionality for objects via the same extension interface. Examples of these might be timers, an interface for web requests, or an inventory service.

For more internal details on the object host and how to extend it, see the Object Host Architecture.

Content Distribution Network

The content distribution network is used to store and distribute large, static, long-lived content. Some examples include meshes, textures, and object scripts. Although we can take advantage of its use in a virtual world to optimize it, the content distribution network looks very similar to existing solutions for other applications. We take advantage of this by leveraging existing solutions.

The CDN supports two levels: names and content. The inputs to the CDN are always URIs. All URIs can respond with data directly. However, the preferred organization is to use a hash URI for direct data storage. This allows efficient storage, replication, and flexibility in the source of the data (e.g. direct from the provider, via a torrent, etc). Then, when referring to the content, for example when specifying a mesh, a human readable URI is used. This attaches some semantic meaning the URL and allows changes to be made in hierarchical resources without requiring large adjustments (for instance, changing a texture only requires pointing the name URI at a different hash URI; since the mesh refers to the named resource its hash doesn't change and so the content for the mesh remains the same but now points to the new texture).

The CDN should support additional features that are especially useful in this context -- attaching certain types of standard metadata, range requests, and hashes on partial data to allow for safe use of partial data for lower levels of detail. More information can be found in the detailed CDN Architecture documentation.