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Adding Graphical User Interfaces

Sometimes 2D user interface widgets are a better way to interact with a user than 3D interactions. For example, you might use a 2D widget to request that a user execute a script locally in a sandbox or provide a simpler interface to some interaction, like completing a purchase in a store.

In Sirikata, 2D UIs are presented via small Javascript and HTML based widgets. You can find examples in the UI you get with the default client: both the scripting window and chat use these simple widgets to allow the user to take action in the world through a 2D interface.


There are 3 components involved in making a UI that can perform actions in the world.

  • The graphics object – manages the UI widget and is required to allocate a widget.
  • The UI widget code – Javascript and embedded HTML, just like the code in a web page.
  • Emerson driver code – requests allocation of the UI widget and mediates interaction between the UI and the world, sending and receiving events in both directions.

Generally you will be adding the UI to an avatar which already has the graphics object allocated. Your driver code is loaded somehow (as part of the user’s default avatar script, or dynamically by sending a request to the user), asks the graphics object to allocate the UI widget, and then interacts with it, possibly sending events to the UI and receiving events back.

In this tutorial, we’ll construct a simple UI with a single button that sets your mesh to a predefined value when clicked. This is a simple but complete example of constructing a 2D UI.

Graphics Object

In order to load a UI, you need a graphics object to allocate it within. The graphics object manages everything that occurs within the window that displays the world.

In the current default avatar script (js/scripts/std/defaultAvatar.em) you can find it in the global variable simulator and it is an instance of the class. Because you need the graphics and GUI systems to be completely initialized before executing your code, we’ll place our code inside the callback it provides:

simulator = new
    system.self, 'ogregraphics',
    function() {
        // Invoked when DefaultGraphics is done initializing,
        // we'll put our new code in here

Emerson Driver Code and Allocating a UI Widget

On disk, a UI widget is just a Javascript file that lives somewhere under ogre/data/). We’ll get to the exact code later, but let’s assume we have the code in the files setmesh.js. To load the GUI module, we call the addGUIModule method on the graphics object to load the UI:

    "SetMesh", "setmesh.js",
    function(gui) {
        // gui is the new GUI object

The third parameter is a callback function. UI loading is asynchronous because it might involve downloading resources. To avoid blocking for a long time, a callback is invoked and provides you with the newly created GUI object only after it is safe to start interacting with it. A common pattern is to store the resulting GUI object in a field of the object that created it:

    "SetMesh", "setmesh.js",
        function(gui) {
            this._gui = gui;

In this approach, we use std.core.bind to make the this object the same in the callback as it is for the constructor. Any additional initialization for the GUI, such as calling an initialization function in the GUI with parameters from your Emerson script, should also occur in this callback function.

Next, we know that our UI is going to generate some events we need to handle. In particular, it is going to send a request to change mesh. Events from the UI are specified by a string and a series of Javascript arguments (basic types such as strings and numbers only). To handle this event, we’ll bind a handler for the event "setmesh". Extending our previous code, we get:

    "SetMesh", "setmesh.js",
        function(gui) {
            this._gui = gui;

            var setmesh_pres = system.self;
            handleSetMesh = function(meshurl) {
                setmesh_pres.mesh = meshurl;
            this._gui.bind("setmesh", handleSetMesh);

And that’s it. When the UI sends a setmesh event, handleSetMesh will be invoked. It uses the reference setmesh_pres, the presence active when the GUI was loaded, to set the mesh. Because we know the arguments (and types!) that will be provided, we put a named argument for meshurl. However, if we don’t know the exact form or number of arguments, we can use the arguments keyword to extract them dynamically.

Finally, we have all the code we need to setup the GUI from the Emerson script. You can replace a line like

simulator = new, 'ogregraphics');

in std/defaultAvatar.em with our updated code

simulator = new
    system.self, 'ogregraphics',
    function() {

            "SetMesh", "setmesh.js",
                function(gui) {
                    this._gui = gui;

                    var setmesh_pres = system.self;
                    handleSetMesh = function(meshurl) {
                        setmesh_pres.mesh = meshurl;
                    this._gui.bind("setmesh", handleSetMesh);

UI Widget Code

As discussed earlier, the UI code lives in a single Javascript file. The UI code is similar to Emerson code: it will be fully executed as soon as it is loaded. To continue taking actions, it sets up HTML elements that trigger events or uses timers to periodically take actions.

Here’s our entire script, setmesh.js:

    function() {
        $('<div id="set-mesh-ui" title="SetMesh">' +             // (1)
          '  <button id="set-mesh-button">Set Mesh!</button>' +

        var window = new sirikata.ui.window(                     // (2)
              width: 100,
              height: 'auto'

        sirikata.ui.button('#set-mesh-button').click(setMesh);   // (3)

        function setMesh() {                                     // (4)
            sirikata.event("setmesh", "meerkat:///test/cube.dae/original/0/cube.dae");

Our entire UI script is wrapped in a sirikata.ui call, which also takes a name for our UI. This allows Sirikata to set up some helpers and try to isolate us from other UIs. It also automatically wraps your script that gets rid of some quirks with the way web pages load. You should always wrap your UI code in sirikata.ui.

The first statement (1) injects our UI into the page by creating a div containing all our UI elements and appending it to body. This example was very simple, but complete examples may require a few lines to get all the components put together. Our UI just consists of a single button. Note that we’ve labeled each element with an ID.

The second line (2) uses the ID we assigned to the div, set-mesh-ui to create a window out of it using sirikata.ui.window. The second parameter is a dictionary of parameters. In this case, we just set the size of the window.

The third line (3) sets up the action that should be taken when the set-mesh-button is clicked. We simply tell it to execute a callback setMesh. Many other types of actions can be bound as callbacks – mouse over, mouse move, click, keypresses, etc.

Of course, to invoke setMesh it must be defined. The fourth statement (4) does just that. However, the callback can’t set the mesh itself – it doesn’t have a presence to act upon. Instead, it relays this information back to the Emerson script. Recall that we decided to use the string "setmesh" to filter events from the UI (other elements may also be sending events, e.g., “chat” or “scripting”). The special sirikata.event method allows you to send events out of the browser and back into the underlying system, getting them back to your Emerson script. The first parameter is our filter string. The remaining arguments are passed as the arguments to the callback registered for this event. In this case, we specify the URL for the mesh we want to use.

And that’s it, with the UI loaded and the callback setup, clicking on the button will trigger a message back to Emerson code, which will be handled by the Emerson handleSetMesh method. This, in turn, results in a request to the space to set the presence’s mesh.

Manipulating Widgets from Emerson

This simple example only required the UI to be setup and then listen for events, but didn’t require any further manipulation of the UI from Emerson. To further interact or update the UI from Emerson, you use the object returned by addGUIModule. This object has a few simple methods like show, hide, and bind (as used earlier). It also includes GUI.eval, which is the generic way of interacting with the code in the UI widget. GUI.eval takes a single string argument containing Javascript to execute in the page. In our example, if we instead used the function:

var setMeshURL = "meerkat:///test/cube.dae/original/0/cube.dae"
function setMesh() {
    sirikata.event("setmesh", setMeshURL);

we could change the URL we’d request by executing the following:

this._gui.eval("setMeshURL = 'meerkat:///test/multimtl.dae/original/0/multimtl.dae'");

which overwrites the value of setMeshURL. The next time the button is pressed and setMesh is invoked, the new value is passed back to the script. This approach is convoluted, but it demonstrates how additional actions can be taken by Emerson code on the GUI well after the GUI is created.

GUI objects also provide a few methods to make the most common interactions with GUIs simpler:, GUI.set, GUI.variable. invokes a method in the context of the GUI, making sure all variables passed through are substituted for their values and properly escaped if necessary. For example:

var x = 7;
var st = 'hello "Bob"';'myfunc', x, st);

is equivalent to

this._gui.eval( "myfunc(7, 'hello \"Bob\"');" );

and is much simpler and more readable than the normal approach:

this._gui.eval( 'myfunc(' + x + ',' + escape(st) + ');' );

It looks more natural, is closer to a normal function call, and is less error-prone since escaping is performed automatically.

GUI.set sets the value of a variable in the script’s context. The above example of setting the mesh URL could be written as:

this._gui.set('setMeshURL', 'meerkat:///test/multimtl.dae/original/0/multimtl.dae');

Of course this isn’t much shorter, but the GUI.eval string is generated automatically, escaping of strings is automatic, and you can easily substitute variables:

this._gui.set('setMeshURL', new_mesh_url);

Sometimes you want to be able to specify variable names in the GUI’s context in other expressions, but any strings you pass in are converted to literals. GUI.variable solves this by producing a special object which will be interpreted as a variable name. For example, to use an existing JavaScript variable name when evaluating a function we would say'printname', this._gui.variable('name'));

Note that because GUI.set has a fixed format for parameters, you don’t need to use GUI.variable on its first argument.

Debugging GUI Code

The sirikata object provides utilities besides the ability to notify the owning script of events. In particular, sirikata.log allows you to log information to the console:

sirikata.log('info', 'Value: ', myvalue);

This will log the message and value of myvalue to the console. The first parameter should always be a string and indicates the log level. These levels let you control the amount of information that is reported (‘fatal’, ‘error’, ‘warn’ or ‘warning’, ‘info’, ‘debug’, ‘detailed’, ‘insane’). You might put a lot of logging at the ‘debug’ level, which is off by default, and more important messages at ‘warn’, ‘info’, or ‘fatal’.

To control the level of messages reported, start the client with a different level for the ui module:

cppoh --moduleloglevel=ui=debug

If you need messages provided by other components that may use the standard logging mechanisms in browsers, you can also enable these with the webview module:

cppoh --moduleloglevel=ui=debug,webview=debug

Note that this also turns on other logging from this module besides that generated by console.log calls from scripts, so using sirikata.log is the preferred method for logging.

Another approach to debugging UI code is to develop much of it in a normal browser and use the debugging tools there. You can’t test any code which interacts with the rest of Sirikata (e.g. the sirikata.event() calls), but this can be helpful for the initial development of the UI and workflow.

To do this, there are just 2 steps. First, you need to force the system to load your GUI as a builtin. In ogre/data/chrome/ui.html, find the section where a bunch of modules are loaded by $LAB. Add a line for your own file after all the other .js files. For example, given the placement described earlier, setmesh.js would be loaded as:


Next, you’ll just load up ui.html directly in a browser. You should see at least the menu system and be able to click and select them. If your UI doesn’t pop up by default, you’ll need to force it to since the Emerson code cannot initialize it for you. In this mode, certain functions (like sirikata.log and sirikata.event) cannot function normally. They should just end up getting logged to the JavaScript console in the browser and ignored.