Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
Sirikata::JS Namespace Reference


namespace  InvokableUtil
namespace  JSContext
namespace  JSGlobal
namespace  JSInvokableObject
namespace  JSPresence
namespace  JSSystem
namespace  JSSystemNames
namespace  JSTimer
namespace  JSUtilObj
namespace  JSVisible


class  EmersonHttpManager
class  EmersonMessagingManager
class  EmersonScript
class  JSCtx
 Note: trace, epoch, and simlen. More...
struct  EntityCreateInfo
class  JSFunctionInvokable
class  JSObjectScript
class  JSObjectScriptManager
struct  Capabilities
 Sister file in em, is in scripts/std/shim/capabilities.em. More...
struct  JSContextStruct
struct  JSPositionListener
struct  PresStructRestoreParams
struct  JSPresenceStruct
struct  JSSuspendable
struct  JSSystemStruct
struct  JSTimerStruct
struct  JSTimerLivenessHolder
struct  JSUtilStruct
struct  JSVisibleStruct
struct  LoopedObjPointer
class  JSSerializer
class  JSVisibleDataListener
 Tracks the lifetime of JSVisibleData. More...
class  JSVisibleData
 JSVisibleData is the interface for accessing data about visibles. More...
class  JSRestoredVisibleData
 JSVisibleData that uses static data. More...
class  JSProxyVisibleData
 JSVisibleData that works from a ProxyObject. More...
class  JSAggregateVisibleData
 JSVisibleData that aggregates multiple other JSVisibleDatas, presenting the best information available at the time. More...
class  JSVisibleManager
 JSVisibleManager manages the data underlying visibles and presences in Emerson. More...


typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr
< EmersonHttpManager
typedef std::tr1::weak_ptr
< EmersonHttpManager
typedef SST::Stream
< SpaceObjectReference
typedef SSTStream::Ptr SSTStreamPtr
typedef std::vector
< JSContextStruct * > 
typedef ContextVector::iterator ContextVecIter
typedef std::vector
< JSPresenceStruct * > 
typedef JSPresVec::iterator JSPresVecIter
typedef std::map
< JSSuspendable *, int > 
typedef SuspendableMap::iterator SuspendableIter
typedef std::vector
< JSSuspendable * > 
typedef SuspendableVec::iterator SuspendableVecIter
typedef std::map
< JSTimerStruct *, int > 
typedef TimerMap::iterator TimerIter
typedef std::vector
< JSVisibleStruct * > 
typedef JSVisibleVec::iterator JSVisibleVecIter
typedef std::vector
< v8::Handle< v8::Object > > 
typedef ObjectVec::iterator ObjectVecIter
typedef std::map< int32,
v8::Handle< v8::Object > > 
typedef ObjectMap::iterator ObjectMapIter
typedef std::vector
< LoopedObjPointer
typedef std::map< int32,
typedef FixupMap::iterator FixupMapIter
typedef std::tr1::weak_ptr
< JSVisibleData
typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr
< JSVisibleData
typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr
< JSRestoredVisibleData
typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr
< JSAggregateVisibleData
typedef std::tr1::weak_ptr
< JSAggregateVisibleData


bool decodeUint32 (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, uint32 &toDecodeTo, String &errMsg)
bool decodeDouble (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, double &toDecodeTo, String &errMsg)
bool decodeInt64 (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, int64 &toDecodeTo, String &errMsg)
v8::Handle< v8::Value > strToUint16Str (const String &toSerialize)
String uint16StrToStr (v8::Handle< v8::String > toDeserialize)
bool decodeString (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, String &decodedValue, String &errorMessage)
JSPositionListenerdecodeJSPosListener (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, String &errorMessage)
bool decodeSporef (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, SpaceObjectReference &sporef, String &errorMessage)
bool decodeObjectReference (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, ObjectReference &oref, String &errorMessage)
bool decodeSpaceID (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, SpaceID &space, String &errorMessage)
bool decodeUint64FromString (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, uint64 &decodedInt, String &errorMessage)
bool decodeTimeFromString (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, Time &toDecodeTo, String &errorMessage)
bool decodeTimedMotionVector (v8::Handle< v8::Value >toDecodePos, v8::Handle< v8::Value >toDecodeVel, v8::Handle< v8::Value >toDecodeTimeAsString, TimedMotionVector3f &toDecodeTo, String &errorMessage)
bool decodeTimedMotionQuat (v8::Handle< v8::Value > orientationQuat, v8::Handle< v8::Value > orientationVelQuat, v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecodeTimeAsString, TimedMotionQuaternion &toDecodeTo, String &errorMessage)
bool decodeBoundingSphere3f (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecodeCenterVec, v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecodeRadius, BoundingSphere3f &toDecodeTo, String &errMsg)
bool decodeSolidAngle (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, SolidAngle &toDecodeTo, String &errMsg)
bool decodeBool (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, bool &decodedValue, std::string &errorMessage)
void debug_checkCurrentContextX (v8::Handle< v8::Context > ctx, std::string additionalMessage)
void printAllPropertyNames (v8::Handle< v8::Object > objToPrint)
bool decodeBool (v8::Handle< v8::Value > toDecode, bool &decodedValue, String &errorMessage)
void debug_checkCurrentContextX (v8::Handle< v8::Context > ctx, String additionalMessage)
void QuaternionFill (Handle< Object > &dest, const Quaternion &src)
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult (Handle< Object > &orig, const Quaternion &src)
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult (v8::Handle< v8::Context > &ctx, const Quaternion &src)
bool QuaternionValValidate (v8::Handle< v8::Value > src)
Quaternion QuaternionValExtract (v8::Handle< v8::Value > src)
bool QuaternionValidate (Handle< Object > &src)
Quaternion QuaternionExtract (Handle< Object > &src)
Handle< Value > QuaternionConstructor (const Arguments &args)
Handle< FunctionTemplate > CreateQuaternionTemplate ()
 Create a template for a Quaternion function.
void DestroyQuaternionTemplate ()
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult_Vec3Impl (v8::Handle< v8::Context > &ctx, const Vector3d &src)
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult_Vec3Impl (v8::Handle< v8::Function > &vec3_constructor, const Vector3d &src)
bool Vec3ValValidate (v8::Handle< v8::Value > src)
Vector3d Vec3ValExtract (v8::Handle< v8::Value > src)
Vector3f Vec3ValExtractF (v8::Handle< v8::Value > src)
Vector3f Vec3ExtractF (v8::Handle< v8::Object > src)
bool Vec3Validate (Handle< Object > &src)
Vector3d Vec3Extract (Handle< Object > &src)
Handle< Value > Vec3Constructor (const Arguments &args)
Handle< FunctionTemplate > CreateVec3Template ()
 Create a template for a Vec3 function.
void DestroyVec3Template ()
template<typename VecType >
void Vec3Fill (Handle< Object > &dest, const VecType &src)
template<typename VecType >
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult (v8::Handle< v8::Context > &ctx, const VecType &src)
void printException (v8::TryCatch &try_catch, EmersonLineMap *lineMap)
void printException (v8::TryCatch &try_catch)
void annotateMessage (Sirikata::JS::Protocol::JSMessage &toAnnotate, int32 &toStampWith)
void annotateMessage (Sirikata::JS::Protocol::IJSMessage &toAnnotate, int32 &toStampWith)
void debug_printSerialized (Sirikata::JS::Protocol::JSMessage jm, String prepend)
void debug_printSerializedFieldVal (Sirikata::JS::Protocol::JSFieldValue jsfieldval, String prepend, String name)
std::vector< String > getPropertyNames (v8::Handle< v8::Object > obj)
std::vector< String > getOwnPropertyNames (v8::Local< v8::Object > obj)
bool StringValidate (const Handle< Value > &val)
std::string StringExtract (const Handle< Value > &val)
bool NumericValidate (const Handle< Value > &val)
double NumericExtract (const Handle< Value > &val)
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult (Handle< Object > &orig, const double &src)
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult (v8::Handle< v8::Context > &ctx, const double &src)
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult (Handle< Object > &orig, const float &src)
Handle< Value > CreateJSResult (v8::Handle< v8::Context > &ctx, const float &src)
v8::Handle< v8::Object > ObjectCast (const v8::Handle< v8::Value > &v)
v8::Handle< v8::Function > FunctionCast (const v8::Handle< v8::Value > &v)
Handle< Value > GetGlobal (v8::Handle< v8::Context > &ctx, const char *obj_name)
String FromV8String (const v8::String::Utf8Value &v8str)

Typedef Documentation

typedef ContextVector::iterator Sirikata::JS::ContextVecIter
typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<EmersonHttpManager> Sirikata::JS::EmersonHttpPtr
typedef std::map<int32, LoopedObjPointerList> Sirikata::JS::FixupMap
typedef FixupMap::iterator Sirikata::JS::FixupMapIter
typedef JSPresVec::iterator Sirikata::JS::JSPresVecIter
typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<JSVisibleData> Sirikata::JS::JSVisibleDataPtr
typedef std::tr1::weak_ptr<JSVisibleData> Sirikata::JS::JSVisibleDataWPtr
typedef JSVisibleVec::iterator Sirikata::JS::JSVisibleVecIter
typedef std::map<int32, v8::Handle<v8::Object> > Sirikata::JS::ObjectMap
typedef ObjectMap::iterator Sirikata::JS::ObjectMapIter
typedef std::vector<v8::Handle<v8::Object > > Sirikata::JS::ObjectVec
typedef ObjectVec::iterator Sirikata::JS::ObjectVecIter
typedef SuspendableMap::iterator Sirikata::JS::SuspendableIter
typedef SuspendableVec::iterator Sirikata::JS::SuspendableVecIter
typedef TimerMap::iterator Sirikata::JS::TimerIter
typedef std::map<JSTimerStruct*,int> Sirikata::JS::TimerMap

Function Documentation

void Sirikata::JS::annotateMessage ( Sirikata::JS::Protocol::JSMessage &  toAnnotate,
int32 &  toStampWith 
void Sirikata::JS::annotateMessage ( Sirikata::JS::Protocol::IJSMessage &  toAnnotate,
int32 &  toStampWith 
Handle<Value> Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult ( Handle< Object > &  orig,
const Quaternion &  src 
template<typename VecType >
Handle<Value> Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult ( v8::Handle< v8::Context > &  ctx,
const VecType &  src 
Handle< Value > Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult ( v8::Handle< v8::Context > &  ctx,
const Quaternion &  src 
Handle< Value > Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult ( Handle< Object > &  orig,
const double &  src 
Handle< Value > Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult ( v8::Handle< v8::Context > &  ctx,
const double &  src 
Handle< Value > Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult ( Handle< Object > &  orig,
const float src 
Handle< Value > Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult ( v8::Handle< v8::Context > &  ctx,
const float src 
Handle<Value> Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult_Vec3Impl ( v8::Handle< v8::Function > &  vec3_constructor,
const Vector3d &  src 

References Vec3Fill().

Handle< Value > Sirikata::JS::CreateJSResult_Vec3Impl ( v8::Handle< v8::Context > &  ctx,
const Vector3d &  src 
v8::Handle< v8::FunctionTemplate > Sirikata::JS::CreateQuaternionTemplate ( )

Create a template for a Quaternion function.

References QuaternionConstructor().

Referenced by Sirikata::JS::JSObjectScriptManager::createJSCtx().

v8::Handle< v8::FunctionTemplate > Sirikata::JS::CreateVec3Template ( )

Create a template for a Vec3 function.

References Vec3Constructor().

Referenced by Sirikata::JS::JSObjectScriptManager::createJSCtx().

void Sirikata::JS::debug_checkCurrentContextX ( v8::Handle< v8::Context >  ctx,
std::string  additionalMessage 
void Sirikata::JS::debug_checkCurrentContextX ( v8::Handle< v8::Context >  ctx,
String  additionalMessage 
void Sirikata::JS::debug_printSerialized ( Sirikata::JS::Protocol::JSMessage  jm,
String  prepend 
void Sirikata::JS::debug_printSerializedFieldVal ( Sirikata::JS::Protocol::JSFieldValue  jsfieldval,
String  prepend,
String  name 

References debug_printSerialized(), and name().

Referenced by debug_printSerialized().

bool Sirikata::JS::decodeBool ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
bool &  decodedValue,
String &  errorMessage 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeBool ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
bool &  decodedValue,
std::string &  errorMessage 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeBoundingSphere3f ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecodeCenterVec,
v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecodeRadius,
BoundingSphere3f &  toDecodeTo,
String &  errMsg 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeDouble ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
double &  toDecodeTo,
String &  errMsg 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeInt64 ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
int64 &  toDecodeTo,
String &  errMsg 
JSPositionListener * Sirikata::JS::decodeJSPosListener ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
String &  errorMessage 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeObjectReference ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
ObjectReference &  oref,
String &  errorMessage 

References decodeString().

bool Sirikata::JS::decodeSolidAngle ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
SolidAngle &  toDecodeTo,
String &  errMsg 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeSpaceID ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
SpaceID &  space,
String &  errorMessage 

References decodeString().

bool Sirikata::JS::decodeSporef ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
SpaceObjectReference &  sporef,
String &  errorMessage 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeString ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
String &  decodedValue,
String &  errorMessage 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeTimedMotionQuat ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  orientationQuat,
v8::Handle< v8::Value >  orientationVelQuat,
v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecodeTimeAsString,
TimedMotionQuaternion &  toDecodeTo,
String &  errorMessage 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeTimedMotionVector ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecodePos,
v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecodeVel,
v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecodeTimeAsString,
TimedMotionVector3f &  toDecodeTo,
String &  errorMessage 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeTimeFromString ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
Time &  toDecodeTo,
String &  errorMessage 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeUint32 ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
uint32 &  toDecodeTo,
String &  errMsg 
bool Sirikata::JS::decodeUint64FromString ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  toDecode,
uint64 &  decodedInt,
String &  errorMessage 

References decodeString().

Referenced by decodeTimeFromString().

void Sirikata::JS::DestroyQuaternionTemplate ( )
void Sirikata::JS::DestroyVec3Template ( )
String Sirikata::JS::FromV8String ( const v8::String::Utf8Value &  v8str) [inline]
v8::Handle< v8::Function > Sirikata::JS::FunctionCast ( const v8::Handle< v8::Value > &  v)
v8::Handle< v8::Value > Sirikata::JS::GetGlobal ( v8::Handle< v8::Context > &  ctx,
const char *  obj_name 
std::vector<String> Sirikata::JS::getOwnPropertyNames ( v8::Local< v8::Object >  obj)
std::vector<String> Sirikata::JS::getPropertyNames ( v8::Handle< v8::Object >  obj)
double Sirikata::JS::NumericExtract ( const Handle< Value > &  val)
bool Sirikata::JS::NumericValidate ( const Handle< Value > &  val)
v8::Handle< v8::Object > Sirikata::JS::ObjectCast ( const v8::Handle< v8::Value > &  v)
void Sirikata::JS::printAllPropertyNames ( v8::Handle< v8::Object >  objToPrint)
void Sirikata::JS::printException ( v8::TryCatch &  try_catch)

References printException().

void Sirikata::JS::printException ( v8::TryCatch &  try_catch,
EmersonLineMap lineMap 
Handle<Value> Sirikata::JS::QuaternionConstructor ( const Arguments &  args)
Quaternion Sirikata::JS::QuaternionExtract ( Handle< Object > &  src)

References JS_STRING, and NumericExtract().

Referenced by QuaternionValExtract().

void Sirikata::JS::QuaternionFill ( Handle< Object > &  dest,
const Quaternion &  src 
Quaternion Sirikata::JS::QuaternionValExtract ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  src)
bool Sirikata::JS::QuaternionValidate ( Handle< Object > &  src)

References JS_STRING, and NumericValidate().

Referenced by QuaternionValValidate().

bool Sirikata::JS::QuaternionValValidate ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  src)
std::string Sirikata::JS::StringExtract ( const Handle< Value > &  val)
bool Sirikata::JS::StringValidate ( const Handle< Value > &  val)
v8::Handle< v8::Value > Sirikata::JS::strToUint16Str ( const String &  toSerialize)
String Sirikata::JS::uint16StrToStr ( v8::Handle< v8::String >  toDeserialize)
Handle<Value> Sirikata::JS::Vec3Constructor ( const Arguments &  args)

References NumericCheckAndExtract, and Vec3Fill().

Referenced by CreateVec3Template().

Vector3d Sirikata::JS::Vec3Extract ( Handle< Object > &  src)
Vector3f Sirikata::JS::Vec3ExtractF ( v8::Handle< v8::Object >  src)

References JS_STRING, and NumericExtract().

Referenced by Vec3ValExtractF().

template<typename VecType >
void Sirikata::JS::Vec3Fill ( Handle< Object > &  dest,
const VecType &  src 

References JS_STRING.

Referenced by CreateJSResult_Vec3Impl(), and Vec3Constructor().

Vector3d Sirikata::JS::Vec3ValExtract ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  src)
Vector3f Sirikata::JS::Vec3ValExtractF ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  src)
bool Sirikata::JS::Vec3Validate ( Handle< Object > &  src)
bool Sirikata::JS::Vec3ValValidate ( v8::Handle< v8::Value >  src)