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Class motion.OrientationAccel

Extends motion.Motion.
A controller that applies angular acceleration to a presence.
Defined in: motion.em.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
motion.OrientationAccel(presence, oAccelFn, period)
Fields borrowed from class motion.Motion:
Methods borrowed from class motion.Motion:
isSuspended, reset, suspend
Class Detail
motion.OrientationAccel(presence, oAccelFn, period)
{presence} presence
The presence to control
{function(presence)->(util.Vec3|util.Quaternion|undefined)} oAccelFn
A function that should return the angular acceleration on the presence at any point in time, as a vector or a quaternion. If oAccelFn returns undefined ("return;"), the acceleration will be unchanged from the last call. If accelFn itself is undefined (or not provided), the controller will use the value of presence.orientationAccel, which if assigned externally, should be a vector (axis with magnitude in rads/sec^2).
{number} period
(optional =defaultPeriod) The period at which the angular acceleration is updated

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