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Class motion.Position

Extends motion.Motion.
A controller for manipulating the position of a presence directly. Note that if this is used for constant updates, the position changes will appear abrupt and jittery -- this type of controller is best used for sudden, infrequent changes (such as teleportation).
Defined in: motion.em.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
motion.Position(presence, posFn, period)
Fields borrowed from class motion.Motion:
Methods borrowed from class motion.Motion:
isSuspended, reset, suspend
Class Detail
motion.Position(presence, posFn, period)
{presence} presence
The presence to control
{function(presence)->(util.Vec3|undefined)} posFn
A function that should return the new position of the presence at any point in time (just return; to leave position unchanged)
{number} period
(optional =defaultPeriod) The period at which the presence's position is updated

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